Twilled Waves

A research to (colour) transition zones through weaving techniques inspired by the phases of the moon.

These weavings are part of a research to (colour) transition zones in weaving, as part of the Weavers Werkstatt*, an initiative from Jongeriuslab/Hella Jongerius. Through the invitation to be part of the Weavers Werkstatt  I could work for some time on a digital jacquard loom to study making fluid and soft transitions in graphical weaves, following the kasuri weaving research in the project NAWA



*Weavers Werkstatt is an initiative from Jongeriuslab/Hella Jongerius to stimulate the development of weaving knowledge among designers. Over the three months that Hella Jongerius’ exhibition Interlace took place at Lafayette Anticipations, a selected group of designers was invited to use the loom for a personal research project part of Weavers Werkstatt.

These designers participated at the Weavers Werkstatt at Anticipations from June-September 2019: Edith van Berkel, Bless (Desiree Heiss and Ines Kaag), Brigitte Dalmaijer, Hella Jongerius, Jos Klarenbeek, Aliki van der Kruijs, Sarah Meyers & Laura Fügmann, Annie Millican, Vera de Pont.

My participation to the Weavers Werkstatt is made possible with the support of Stroom Den Haag